How it works

The Masterplan

Laying the groundwork
for your future home
one step at a time.

HomeVision guides you from your very first step.

Runs you through the essentials so you're up to speed.

Provides a place to keep track of your new home ideas.

Exposes you to numerous options usually hidden by builders.

Paves the way to limit costly contract modifications.*

Pairs you with a builder who specializes in your desired home style.*

Step 1.

Sign up for free and
get to know IdeaDrop

With your free account you can create your first new home planning project, give it a custom title, and then take a moment to familiarise yourself with our IdeaDrop web app.

IdeaDrop app on mobile device showing user-uploaded image of black brick home facade with arched windows

Step 2.

Get started with
HomeVision Stage 1:
Preliminary Education

Designed to introduce you to the world of builders, their processes, contracts, common terminologies, and other key aspects that empower your decision-making confidence throughout the home-building journey.

Screenshots from HomeVision program with overlay of modern home facade, showing overview, main menu, and BuilderConnect application

Step 3.

Immerse yourself in
HomeVision Stage 2:
Vision Crafting

Overlook nothing, consider everything.
Stage 2 presents a vast range of options available to your new home that many didn’t know existed. Make your selections, and ensure no essential detail is left unconsidered.

HomeVision summary page on mobile showing user's progress in Vision Crafting stage for home planning.

Step 4.

Finalise your vision

Reflect on your IdeaDrop and Vision Crafting selections, refining them as necessary, ensuring your vision encompasses all that you desire for your new home.

IdeaDrop app on laptop displaying multiple user-uploaded home design images.

Step 5.

Access BuilderConnect

With your vision crafted to perfection, it’s time to leverage BuilderConnect. Our complimentary service, exclusively available to you as a graduate of our HomeVision program. Our system seamlessly combines your ideas and preferences, sending them to our team. We take care of the hard work in finding a builder suited to your vision, ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.

*Please note: BuilderConnect is capped to accept only four (4) new home projects per month. These exclusive spots are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.


Step 6.

Your quote is now
under construction

Sit back and relax while we put our expertise to work. We’ll explore the local building scene, seeking out the best builder to match your project’s unique requirements. We ensure they’re not only capable of meeting your needs but are also specialists in creating homes that align with your distinct style and vision. This personalized process ensures your dream home will be brought to life just the way you imagined it.

*Please note: While not all builders charge to quote, some builders we work with at Foresight Home Planning might charge you, the client, an upfront fee or deposit for the preparation of your initial quote. You will be advised of this fee in advance and can accept or decline it at your pleasure.

New home proposal contract being formed with first line completed, plus symbol overlay.

Step 7.

Meet your tailor-made New Home Proposal

With your new home proposal and quote in hand, it’s time to experience your vision through your builder’s eyes. Our ‘Builders Quote Checklist’ is there to guide you, to help you decode the quote & plans and spot any gaps or areas for additions. It’s crucial to intimately understand your New Home Proposal now, as this is your golden opportunity to tweak it with your builder before the contract is finalized.

Partially completed new home proposal with couple, bathroom, living room, and dream facade imagery overlay

Step 8.

Formalize your
construction journey

Having meticulously refined your New Home Proposal, it’s now time to put pen to paper. With a signed contract in place, the thrilling journey of transforming your vision into reality begins. You are now set to savour a unique sense of accomplishment and joy, a feeling reserved for those who bring their dream vision to life.

Completed new home proposal with Foresight Home Planning approved badge, client's signature

Ready to take your first step?
Sign up for free and begin exploring IdeaDrop now.

Get Started

Discover what it
takes to become a
Foresight Select Builder.

Our Builders

Inspiration to reality

Your journey with
Foresight Home Planning.

At Foresight Home Planning, we facilitate your new home planning journey, equipping you with all the tools and knowledge you need to feel comfortable and confident embarking on your building adventure.

Our platform allows you to:

  • Capture and organize your home ideas intuitively.
  • Gain critical insights into the home-building process.
  • Uncover a diverse range of options often overlooked by builders.
  • Connect with a builder specializing in your style.

The path to your dream home starts here with Foresight Home Planning.

Welcome aboard

Discover a home that
surpasses imagination.

Get Started


Frequently asked questions

Lets Chat
How do I sign up?

Signing up is easy!

Click on the ‘Get Started’ button at the top right of the page and follow the simple steps.

If you encounter any issues, please contact us for assistance.

Why do I need help planning my new home?

The short of it is: “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Drawing on our 10+ years of industry experience, we’ve found that even the most well-prepared individuals can overlook key elements of their new home.

Our comprehensive program aims to ensure you consider each aspect of your new home, helping you avoid overlooking anything important. This sets you on the path to success and minimizes the likelihood of costly changes during construction.

Is there a cost associated with using Foresight Home Planning?

You can start with a free account, which gives you full access to the IdeaDrop tool and the first stage of the HomeVision program.

Access to Stage 2, the Vision Crafting stage, is priced at $1499.

The Builder Connect service is complimentary, but remember it’s exclusively reserved for those who have graduated from both stages of the HomeVision program and applied for this service.

Note that in some instances Foresight Select Builders may require an initial fee or deposit to produce your New Home Proposal & Quote. This fee is paid direct to the builder.

Foresight Home Planning does not cover this quoting expense; however, we do try to find builders who will produce the initial quote free of charge.

What happens after I'm paired with a builder?

Once paired, your journey with your dedicated Foresight Select Builder begins. Foresight Home Planning does not actively participate in this phase.

The builder may reach out to introduce themselves and verify your details.

If the builder requires a fee for their quoting services, they will typically inform you at this stage.

Once approved by you, the builder will then create a tailor-made New Home Proposal just for you.

Upon receiving your New Home Proposal & Quote, you can use the Builders Quote Checklist, provided free of charge to all BuilderConnect participants, to help you understand and break down your plans and quote.

From this point, you’ll collaborate directly with the builder to finalize your contract and kickstart your construction journey.

Can I make changes to my project after it's been sent to a builder?

After you request to participate in Builder Connect, your IdeaDrop and responses from the Vision Crafting stage of HomeVision become finalised and transition to the Archive folder in your dashboard. This solidified vision allows for a smooth process in matching you with the most suitable builder and in creating an accurate New Home Proposal.

While your vision is set at this stage, it isn’t locked in forever. You’re free to make adjustments to your New Home Proposal up until the contract signing. Post-contract, minor changes are still possible, although be mindful these might incur additional costs due to administrative fees and builder margins on variation items.

This process underscores the importance of creating a comprehensive vision before engaging with a builder. Our service facilitates a clear, detailed vision, which makes it easier for you to convey your desires to a builder.

How does Foresight Home Planning help me save money?

Foresight Home Planning aims to facilitate an in-depth preparation phase, reducing the chances of unexpected changes or modifications during your home building journey. By having a detailed vision established before you engage a builder, you’re more likely to have a clear understanding of your desires, which can help you minimize additional costs associated with changes after contracts are signed.

Please be aware, even with a comprehensive vision, modifications during the construction phase can still occur due to personal choices or unforeseen circumstances. While our platform is designed to minimize the need for such changes, we do not guarantee a complete absence of modifications. Any changes made after signing the contract might incur additional costs, including administrative fees and builder margins on variation items. As such, we strongly advise you to review your plans thoroughly and discuss any potential modifications with your chosen builder before signing your contract.